Human egoism and human egocentric attitude are reasons for the individual to strive after a very subjective improvement of his life. this results in commercialization and secularization of society . there is a world wide economy the functioning of which is depending on the demand and purchasing power of billions of individuals. thus it has become a mass system. we are confronted with the phenomenon of globalization and miniaturization – but also with the mass phenomenon. man as central creature of creation has become more and more a mass phenomenon. there are the billions due to population explosion, there is the concentration of millions in big cities, there are millions of tourists, millions of business travellers, millions at olympic games, hundred thousands of employees per company, ten thousands at events, but also millions of death people in wars and millions of refugees. the individual fades into the background although he remains indispensable part oft he total appearance.
on the other hand mass is often created by individuals who give direction and sense to the mass. such outstanding individuals can be found in all parts of society – more or less visible.
the egocentric attitude which is inherent to individuals is inappropriate. it is positive if each individual hast he modesty to consider himself just as an element of billions of people. but nevertheless he should have the courage to realize his personal role and chance in the mass corresponding to his talents: individual in the mass – individual versus the mass.
apart from these considerations there is an optical aspect. the mass of people gives a strange, powerful and aesthetic impression: colourful, turbulent, surging, solid but also fragile. it is a challenge to the artist to reflect this optical phenomenon beside the other specifics of the mass.
as long as my focus is on men & mass, it must also be on sexuality, because sexuality affects everybody and appears more and more as a mass phenomenon. therefore it is very much present in the public in these days and can hardly be overlooked. due to liberalization and commercialization the pornoindustry and the sextourism have become legal and normal. sodomy and sadomaso are nearly seen as progress. trafficking and child abuse are fortunately illegal but unfortunately not controllable. what is true for egoism is also true for lust: boundlessness is inhuman. reproduction has become controllable but lust is still not managable. in this environment I deal with sexuality and erotic which comes from normal homoerotic feelings and the passion to the other gender. I affirm sexuality, I affirm lust and I affirm corporeality and sensuality. I paint nudes emotionally, bare skin inspires me – it's a take and give, it's perception and projection. a nude painting should be in some way exciting, there should be room for fantasy and it should trigger aesthetic feelings and positive energies.
walter hachleitner
Dieses Design heisst t die Farbharmonie in der Nartur nicht etwas wunderbares? Ein Schmetterling, herrlich rot leuchtend auf sattgrünen Blättern.
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